Code of Conduct

At the Establishment, it is very important to us that our players (Citizens) adhere to our rules and regulations in order to maintain the integrity of the game and to ensure the best possible experience for all, including the officials.

See below for a list of our Citizen Laws:

Our Citizen Laws

  • All citizens must respect each others views and principals. We have a people from all over the world from a variety of backgrounds, cultures & communities. What makes the Establishment so special is that it is a perfect storm of all of our beautiful communities coming together to play football.

  • All citizens must respect the referee and the decisions they make. The referees are a key element of the game and they allow us to have a fair, unbiased & competitive edge to our games. Treating the referees with respect is one of our most important values and they are as important as the citizens.

  • Respecting the game and the work put in to get the game on is vital to our ethos. If a player states that they are available, they must not drop out of the game unless it is 100% avoidable. If you do have to pull out then you must inform the organiser no less than 24 hours before the game. If you do, you will be penalised via our points system.

  • If you do not turn up to a game and put the game into disrepute, then you will be given a warning. If you do not turn up to a game on more than one occasion in a season then you will be suspended or expelled from the Establishment.

  • Players must aim to arrive 15 minutes before kick off. Being late is also another issue that can cause major problems to a game. There are only 11 players selected to play for each team and the games will kick off at the time specified so if a player is late to the game they will directly affect the experience of all of the other players in that game. Being late will result in a severe points reduction in our point scoring system and persistent lateness will result in suspension or expulsion.

  • Players must respect the Establishment when using social media and other online platforms and not talk about the Establishment or the games in a negative way. Discussing the game or certain elements of a match is normal but if citizens decide to use these platforms to attack the reputation of the Establishment then this could lead to suspension or expulsion.